First Friday
Films presents the new film “Tapped” on Friday,
February 7th at 6:30pm at American Memorial Park about bottled
water, why we love it and why we shouldn’t love it.
the film, Mr. Jose M. Kaipat from the Bureau of Environmental and Coastal
Quality’s Safe Drinking Water Branch will give a brief presentation about
drinking water and bottle usage on Saipan. Mr. Kaipat has been at DEQ for 18
years in various capacities and can speak first-hand about the regulations and
concerns about drinking water sources in the CNMI. As the chief coordinator of BECQ’s
Monthly Clean-up Brigade, Kaipat also knows the damaging environmental impacts
of our beverage containers after the drinks are consumed.
Friday Films is a partnership between American Memorial Park, the Bureau of
Environmental and Coastal Quality and the Humanities Council with support from
other organizations and individuals. This film is sponsored by the Division of
Environmental Quality. As always, our film events are free and open to the
public. This event will run about 75 minutes.
For more information about First Friday Films, email